Download the event flyer (PDF)
Welcoming a new baby into your family is an exciting and transformative experience. To help you prepare for this joyous occasion, we invite you to join our “Info Sessions for Expectant Parents.” These sessions are designed to provide you with valuable information and resources for the crucial first days of your baby’s life, ensuring a smooth and confident transition into parenthood.
Second Saturday of every month – 12:30-1:00 p.m.
Boulder Medical Center at our Boulder Foothills waiting room (Location Details)
Come meet us and learn about the first 24 hours after your baby’s birth. One of our well-baby pediatricians or family medicine providers will be presenting.
As you prepare to welcome your newest family member, join us to get acquainted. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, your baby’s first visit should occur 3 to 5 days after birth. This session is a great opportunity to meet our Boulder and Longmont well-baby providers and ensure you’re ready for this important milestone. Meet our Boulder and Longmont well-baby providers
What You Will Discover
- What to Expect During your Hospital Stay
- How to Schedule your Baby’s First Well-Baby Visit
- Essential Newborn Care Tips and Supplies
- Who Will be Part of your Baby’s Medical Team
- Helpful Resources for Your Baby’s First Year
Next Steps
Please complete the optional Event Registration / RSVP form below. We look forward to meeting you and helping you embark on this exciting journey!