Susan Puckett, PA is part of both the internal medicine and otolaryngology departments at Boulder Medical Center. She discusses recent findings around the science and benefits of fasting for your health.
Boulder Community Health recently implemented a new medical record system including reporting of laboratory and imaging reports. Here at Boulder…
This article is an excerpt from Insider’s Guide to Quality, Affordable Healthcare, by Lawrence Lazarius, MD and Boulder County resident,…
Breast Cancer – Early Detection is Key Most Women can Survive Breast Cancer when Caught Early featuring Kristen Wolfe, MD…
Obesity is a health condition that affects more than 40 percent of women and 35 percent of men in the United States. Your primary care provider can help with screening, counseling, and interventions if needed.
by Dr. Stephen Fries Pediatrics Department Boulder Medical Center According to the 2018 National Youth Tobacco Survey, conducted by the…
According to the 2018 National Youth Tobacco Survey, conducted by the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,…
Saving Money on Medications An Excerpt from Insider’s Guide to Quality, Affordable Healthcare By Lawrence Lazarius, MD and Jeffrey Foster,…
In the world of men’s health, prevention, screenings, and early detection of problems is key to health and happiness. That’s why having a trusted primary care provider in your corner and visiting him or her regularly is important to optimal wellness.
If you have to take a particular pain medication every day to get rid of a headache, it’s not working. Many patients are surprised at how much their headaches improve simply as a result of stopping the rebound cycle. By Paula Mendes, neurologist, Boulder Medical Center.